Victorinox Swiss Army Knives - page 82-83

Ask anyone who’s ever gotten out of a sticky situation
thanks to a multi-tool of this kind, or anyone who has
come to appreciate their precision, versatility and
stability in day-to-day life – they wouldn’t be without
them. These are the most robust tools currently avai-
lable in the Victorinox range – the exceptionally
powerful SwissTool, and its younger and slightly
handier brother, SwissTool Spirit.
With strong, ergonomically designed handles made of
finely polished, easy-care stainless steel, these
solidly built all-rounders are exceptionally satisfying
to use. All the tools can be accessed from the outside
so you can find the right tool without having to open
out the handle arms. All blades lock in position when
folded out to ensure maximum safety and assist with
demanding manual tasks. The locking back spring
mechanism is exceptionally secure, but also easy to
unlock when necessary.
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